Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dead Camel on the side of the road......what will we see next?

WARNING:- If the sight of a large dead animal disturbs you do read all the way to the bottom

So just got back from a 9000kms road trip/family holiday. We drove (yes I know I have bikes so why drive?) from Melbourne to Perth and back again (the long way). We saw saw truly awesome stuff which the photos will show.

Just quickly some points I would like to mention,
- People in Perth are shit drivers and cant park a car to save themselves.
- Women drivers dont wave in the outback which most men do.
- Whatever you budget for a trip like this, add 30% and you will be close.
- Food and snacks are hell dear in the bush.
- God botherers dont like people with visible tattoos.
- 110kph seems really slow after sitting on 130kph for awhile.
- Its fucking expensive to speed in South Australia.
- We have a fucking beautiful country and I now want to see more of it.
- If you are a native animal, be an Emu, only saw one dead one by the road side, def's dont be a Roo, there is dead everywhere.

These pics are in no particular order,

Clearly we are half way across the country

Saw Whales at the Head of the Bight

 It was windy on the coast

Amazing coast line


Standing on the border

A whole lot of nothing

Kalgoorlie Super pit

Bucket from a front end loader

Dirt road for 100kms

Wave rock

On top of Wave rock

Under a rock you find the strangest things

On top of Wave rock

 A man made pool of salt water near wave rock

Wave rock again because, well its amazing and shit!!!

A legit cemetery for dogs in the middle of nowhere

Pinnacles, interesting not one Perth local had bothered to drive the 2 hours to check them out

Some of them a big, or this woman is really short

Strange landscape

Longest jetty in the southern hemisphere at Bussleton 

Very long

At the end of the jetty, Devlin is clearly impressed

Not sure where this was, maybe Albany

Lots of signs

Bloody women drivers

Eyre highway

The little car that did..........carry us there and back 


Streaky Bay

Whistling rocks


 Not sure what this was all about

The infamous Snowtown, avoid it and barrels

Cazzie aboard an dinosaur ant at Poochera, the bitch that runs the road house had an issue with Caz and I over we think our tattoos. She very very religious


Nullabour Roadhouse

Nothing that way

or that way

But we have a fake whale

Blow hole. Actually blew out cool air


Road to Hyden, 100k of dirt

Fancy Perth restaurant 

Feet in the Indian ocean at Cervantes



Street performer in Freo

Cazzie's cousin and partner

The best breakfast of the trip


Norseman pole sign

Road to nowhere

Been to them all


Cheap fuel ($1.76 p/l)

Eucla telegraph station

Cazzie getting us lost

Old jetty at Eucla

I scared the birds

Sunrise over Eucla

Wide fucking load

Streaky bay blow holes

Streaky bay jetty

The poles mark out a netted area for swimming without being eaten by sharks

This exact copy of a 1500kg shark was caught at streaky bay

Oh No !!!!!

Dont drive like a cock

Dead Camel by the side of the road

Its well fucked up

The End !!!!

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